How to Earn 50k+ as a Digital Marketing Freelancer?

You want to know techniques to earn 50k+ as a Digital Marketing Freelancer, Right? Great!!

First of all, Congratulations as you selected the best career opportunity & will succeed soon with our pro tips.

According to a survey, an Indian freelancer earns on an average Rs. 20 Lakh p.a. resulting in exact Rs. 166666.666667 per month (approx Rs. 1,65,000).

23.5% of 500 freelancers earn till Rs. 60 lakh p.a. resulting in Rs. 5,00,000 per month on average. Now, just imagine earning 50k is so far easy. You just need to be determined, hard-working & under the right guidance.

I will share one real-life example who is a digital marketing freelancer & earned till Rs. 50 lakh & enjoy his life at fullest.

My brother named Pranay Agarwal, used to travel a lot as he was a Travel Freak. I always wonder how he maintains his expenses as he assists his family also. He used to visit the UK, Australia, Canada very often. I really think within 2 more years, he will explore every country.

My Curiosity increases as time passes. Then, we met at her Sister’s wedding named Shalini Agarwal, in Thailand. During the marriage, I asked Pranay about how he manages his expenses?

He begins with everything is easy and fast forward in the digital world.I was totally blank and a big question mark was portraying on my face. Then he continued explaining that he is a Digital marketing Freelancer and due to his professional skills, he can earn and manage his expenses anywhere.

Then, I asked him about what he had to do as I was not having an idea of what a Digital marketing freelancer does? Firstly, he explained to me about digital marketing and then about digital marketing freelancer. I will go step by step.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is when we sell any products or services through online platforms or digital technologies. to learn Digital marketing course contact ASDM institute.

It is a growing field with wide career opportunities namely –
1.Social media marketing
2.Search Engine Optimization
3.Social media Optimization
4.Search Engine Marketing
5.Content Writing
6.Digital marketing consultant
7.Lead generation
8.Ecommerce Specialist
9.Affiliate Marketing etc.

Each field is filled with creativity. Let me brief you with each –

1.Social media marketing –

People use social media platforms for 4-5 hours a day. Now, Growing your sales there will definitely help you create a great customer base. You can run Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads, YouTube Ads, Pinterest Ads, & many more.

You can target them through pixels. You can run ads for various objectives namely Website Traffic, Conversions, Lead generation, App installs, Brand awareness, Store traffic, Catalogue Sales, Messaging, Video views, Reach & many more. You can even remarket the same audience to get more conversions.

2. Search Engine Optimization –

SEO is the improvement in quality and quantity of website organic traffic to a web page from search engines. This is an unpaid way to generate more traffic.

SEO demands a long-term investment of time. As it gives you results after a while.
The period of time differs from 3 months to 3 years. You should keep on changing. You can generate various sorts of backlinks, business listing, schema- markup, a Robot.txt file, a sitemap, & many more to optimize your website

3. Social media Optimization –

It is done to strengthen the company’s online presence. We can have organic customers on our social media platforms.

You should have a Facebook page, Instagram account, LinkedIn account, Twitter account, to gain organic customers. You should post engaging designs & content to get more visitors.

4. Search Engine Marketing-

SEM is the promotion of a website or a web page through paid advertising. This is the most authentic in terms of conversion but at the same time costly too.

You can run Google Ads & you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SpyFu, etc. for PPC campings.

5. Content Writing –

Content is the King in the world of Digital Marketing. King should always be the best then the kingdom will be happy. This means if the content is not the best you will never get the coveted results.

Content should vary with each platform. If you are posting some content on Facebook doesn’t mean will work for Instagram also. Each platform, each post, each single day content should be innovative.

Efficient Content Writers charge Rs. 2 for each word they write. Now, if you can write at least 2500 words in an hour. Just imagine you can earn Rs. 5000 in just an hour.

6. Digital marketing consultant –

After getting the whole idea of digital marketing, one can start consulting others. As not everyone has the capability to understand the business environment, needs of customers, solution a businessman should come up with, & all digital marketing tactics.

Communication & convincing power should be at the top. You should be confident enough to represent yourself & your point.

If you have the above-mentioned capabilities, you should surely proceed in the field.

Digital Marketing consultants charge Rs. 7000 of counseling for an hour. This is just for a beginner. A pro-level Consultant starting charges are Rs. 35,000 for an hour.

7. Lead generation –

Generally, people think only Social media platforms like Facebook is the main source of lead generation. But a wise digital marketer knows that there are many mediums through which you can generate effective leads.

Email marketing, Landing Pages, WhatsApp marketing, SMS marketing, website pop-up extensions, Google Ads & many more. Inbound marketing gives you the most effective results.

If you want to generate leads through Facebook for your clients, then as a beginner you can charge a minimum of Rs. 150 per lead – Rs. 250 per lead.
It can be from 30k – 35k in some cases. Yes, this is the possibility. Just think out of the box & you can achieve anything.

8. E-commerce Specialist –

E-commerce websites focus on direct sales. Persons having a product can have tremendous sales through an e-commerce site.
You can make your client’s own website & you can even list their products on popular E-commerce websites as Amazon, Flipkart & others.

There are approximately 13 million – 24 million E-commerce websites at present. Competition is tough but a winner always finds a way to succeed.

9. Affiliate Marketing –

Affiliate Marketing is a treasure for digital marketers. This is something which will help you earn money by selling others products. Your cost of the merchandise will be saved.

You can do this side-by-side & it can be a great source of income.

Beginners earn Rs. 25,000 per day, Intermediate affiliators earn Rs. 2,20,000 per day & Gurus of Affiliate marketers also earn till Rs. 7,50,000 per day. Growth is everywhere, you should just grasp the top ways to deal with it.

What is a digital marketing freelancer?

A Digital Marketing Freelancer is someone who is self-independent & works on his own. They want to tackle all situations on their own & doesn’t need any company to give them a salary, they always believe in gaining profit.

Only stubborn & self-reliable people can do better in freelancing.

Digital Marketing Freelancer should be able to perform all the skills perfectly. If not all, then you should at least master any one skill.

You can have multiple perks of being a Freelancer digital marketer.

1.Have your own clients –
Being a digital marketing freelancer will lead you to have your own clients. You can make your portfolio strong by having top clients or supporting them to reach the top.

2. Building your Brand name –
Clients will know your name & will promote it if you give the best results to them. It will create your brand image & people will trust you & know you by your name in the Digital marketing field.

3. Work in Comfort Zone
The biggest advantage is to work as per your wish. You can sit at home & can work comfortably. Even if you are enjoying the destination wedding you can work effectively as no fixed working hours are there so you can work as per your time.

4. Work while traveling –
Some people are traveloholic they cannot stay at a single place for more days. So, for them, Digital Marketing Freelancing is the best option as they only need their laptop & cell phone to work & communicate with their clients. They are easily portable.

5. Be the whole & sole boss –
Freelancing can be done by those who have the power to do everything on their own. They can only grow their career & business. You can take all the decisions on your own.

6. Direct Client-dealing –
You can directly deal with the clients. Direct-dealing will decrease the time of a systematic conversation flow & you can give the best results on time.

This will also benefit you in getting confidence & can represent yourself in the best possible manner. So that you can plan for a digital marketing consultant in future.

7. Diversified experience –
If you are a freelancer you can have knowledge of multiple products & businesses. As you will have diversified clients.

One might be from Textile others might be from the grocery. One might be a retail owner others might be top IT Companies.

It will help you become multitasking & you’ll be known to each & every field.

8. Have your own pricing –
As I mentioned above how freelancers charge for their services. The only condition is to give the best & reliable services.

9. Skills Enhancement –
If you will be the whole & sole boss of your business then, you will be skillful in every work. As SMO, content writing, Lead generation, website development, Ad copy, SEM, Result-oriented audience targeting, & SEO; anything the client needs will be done by you.

After knowing about both, I thought I should also start with this. I was a branch manager of a clothing company. Then, I started wit freelancing side-by-side. After I got huge success as a freelancer, I left my job & made my career in freelancing.

I added some information experienced by me in the above explanation. Hope that will help you get a clear idea of the field.

How you can earn 50k+ through digital marketing freelancing?

1. Be perfect in whatever you do
One should always be perfect in their own way. As not every work is made for you. So, it’s not necessary to master all but don’t forget to be a master in one.

2. Use freelancing sites –

There are many freelancing sites helping many freelancers earn & grow namely Upwork, Guru, Truelancer, Fiverr, etc. You can sign up on these & can grab projects by updating your profile.

3. Have your own website –

Having your own website will surely help you in increasing website traffic, brand building, getting clients, & many more. A website is a base for any business to grow.

4. Be an affiliate marketer –
An affiliate marketer can earn anytime & as a side source of income also. This will help them gain a second source of income. Growth is tremendous in near future.

5. Write a blog to represent yourself –
Once you have your website ready, you should start writing blogs & post them on your website. This will increase your website ranking which will give more visibility in front of your customers.

Blogging alone can be a great source of online earning as they earn a minimum of Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 30,000 per month on their initial stage. Experienced bloggers earn till Rs. 2,20,000 per month.

Blogging is a field that everybody cannot understand. It is just for those who have the power to influence others through magical words. It is something that treasure is in front of you but you cannot see.

6. Build your personal brand –
Personal branding is very necessary as it will help you gain more clients. Trust is built if you created your brand name.

7. Master ways to generate quality leads –
Only lead generation can help you earn Rs. 150 per lead – Rs. 250 per lead. Just imagine if you generate even 100 leads per day for various clients you can earn Rs. 15,000 ( 150×100 )per day.

Explore various ways of generating leads as clients need leads at the end of the day.

8. Start with your YouTube channel –
YouTube is the most-watched when it comes to videos. So, Youtube channel & uploading videos will definitely help you build a brand image.

9. Guest Blogging-
Many websites give an opportunity that we can post our content on their site which will also help in generating more traffic to our website.

10. Make a strong Portfolio –
The portfolio is very crucial in the marketing or business field. As you & your work will be judged by your portfolio. You should show your work done on that. Your client’s companies, how you helped them & many more.

11. Promote your portfolio-
After having a good portfolio, you should promote it on the right platform with the right content, the right design & to the right audience.

12. Become a digital marketing consultant –
After having complete knowledge & industry experience, you should definitely try to consult business persons or start-ups. This will always help you in building high-profile connections. You can gain confidence.

Making connections is an important part of the business. This will help you get more clients. LinkedIn is the best platform for making business connections.

13. Deep knowledge of E-commerce-
If there is any client who wants to sell an XYZ product online. Then, you will need an e-commerce site to help him increase sales. As client satisfaction is the only goal.

14. Outsourcing (BPO) –
If in case, you grow yourself at a certain stage where you have overloaded clients with multiple fields, you will face difficulty in handling all.
Try to outsource some work from others by giving them a commission or some % of the profit.

Above all were the ways that guarantee you to help you grow & earn 50k+ as a digital marketing freelancer.

Do you face any of these questions while reading?

Which field is suitable for me? How can I get more clients? How can I write a blog? How can I create a YouTube channel? Which kind of website should I make? Which affiliate marketing platforms are most trusted? How to make connections on LinkedIn? How can I generate quality leads? How to get ready for a digital marketing consultant?

If you are suffering from any above question or other then just feel free to drop-down your query in the comment section or call us now or drop your inquiry on our website. As the query should be solved as soon as possible.

Hope our blog gave you a complete guideline on how you can start, grow & reach the top as a Digital marketing freelancer. Comment down below when you reach your goal.

Above were just some numerable ways to help you, there are many innumerable & unknown ways in digital marketing. Let’s dip into it together.

All the very best for your freelancing journey. ASDM hopes that our article will help you earn money online. For any queries, feel free to connect us as ASDM loves to entertain queries.

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