Are you tired of doing the same job from 9-to-5? Or Are you interested in earning more after your fixed salary? Or do you want to utilize your free time doing something productive by which you can also make money?
Of course yes, Right? Who wouldn’t like earning and upgrading themselves? So working as a freelancer could be the best option in today’s time. You can be your own boss. You can work as per your time schedule. So if you are keen to know about FREELANCING IN DIGITAL MARKETING then you must read this blog.
This blog will guide you on Freelancing, its importance, opportunities, benefits, how can you start working, how to become a freelancer, and so on. Before we start discussing it let us first understand “what is Freelancer & what is Freelancing in Digital Marketing”.
What is Freelancing in Digital Marketing?
Before we discuss Freelancing in Digital Marketing, let us discuss what Freelancing exactly is. Freelance or Freelancer in a very simple term means “someone who works for a particular piece of work for a different organization instead of working all the time for the same organization” Freelancers are Self-Employed.

Freelancing in Digital Marketing is basically helping out companies to promote their products or services online, helping your clients to get the correct target audience, drive them to the client’s website and convert them to customers.
A freelance Digital Marketer is a professional, who got multiple skills from Content writing to social media, Search Engine Optimisation, building websites, creating Ads, and so on. They are engaged with all the online activities and make sure that their clients are able to reach their goals like sales, leads, calls, etc.
Is Freelancing better than a job?

The idea of freelancing may even seem risky and also dangerous to some. Traditional workers also think that why anyone would choose Freelancing for living, it neither has a roster of clients nor has a guaranteed wage.
Those who have accepted the trend of working as a freelancer do not feel the same. There are many self-employed individuals and freelancers who feel that being a freelancer is much safer than being a full-time employee.
Here are a few reasons why they think being a freelancer is better
1. Freelancers has typically more than one job at a time. A freelancer is able to work for more than one client at a time.
2. Freelancing projects come and go along with time. Losing a project as a freelancer is not as heart-trenching or crisis-inducing as it is for full-time workers who lose their job and their source of income stopped overnight.
Freelancers have more than one client or income source together so even though they lose some clients their income doesn’t stop.
3. Freelancer can boost their income source as much as they want. They have the opportunity to grab the projects as much as they could work on it. It is very easy for a freelancer to increase their earnings as much as they want. Freelancer is much more confident in their ability to replace expired work and find new work overtime.
Benefits of Freelancing
There are people who consider that “Freelancing” is something done when you don’t get a job. But Freelancer says that people working as an employee yet have not met the joy of being self-employed; there is nothing better than being an owner, director, and financial manager at the same.
Many people say at times that they would not be able to live without a traditional way of earning. But ever thought that at any point, someone whom you have never met, from the personnel department comes to you and says that your position is no longer required by the company?
Here are a few benefits of individual professions i.e. “Freelancers” brings greater stability than a medium or large corporation.
1. Dynamism: Freelancing is very dynamic in nature. If the job stops or you are unable to reach your goal or facing any trouble, you can try something new and different tomorrow and not wait till next year.
2. Lower Costs: Running the business has become too expensive, it includes utility costs, equipment costs, insurance, and so on. If a business gets fails to earn a profit, then your job will be at risk. Being a freelancer doesn’t include any kind of investment. All you have to do is register your name at freelancing sites such as Fiverr, ODesk, Freelancer, and Upwork.
3. Performing multiple tasks at the same time: Freelancers do the different tasks of different people at the same time. They constantly educate themselves, acquire new skills and make new contacts.
4. Freedom: The biggest benefit of being a freelancer is that they have got full freedom. They have not signed any contracts with their clients and it gives them the freedom to leave their work at any time they want if they are not liking the working conditions or have better opportunities or any other reason.
5. Working from home: Another reason why people are more likely to work as a freelancer is that they can work from home. Working from home and thereby carving a comfortable life, is fully possible. But only if you are willing to work hard.
6. Flexible working hours: It is really hard to manage time between personal and professional life. If you want to balance between both what could be the best option to earn? If you accepted the trend of working as a Freelancer, then you can enjoy your personal and professional life simultaneously. As a Freelancer, you can set your working times at your convenience. Whether it’s morning, afternoon, evening, or even late at night.
7. Excellent opportunity for advancement: If you are hardworking and full of knowledge and skills then you can easily get advanced both professionally and financially. As a Freelancer, you will get great opportunities to work, a variety of activities, and also a number of employers who need good work. And the main advantage is you can choose as per your interest zone.
8. Learning through work: Here you don’t have to work on the same activities for years and years. You will be changing jobs and employers, so you will get to learn new things and gain experience which will be beneficial for future jobs.
9. No ‘dress code’: Sometimes dressing up gives pleasure but what if you have to wear the same thing every day? That really seems like a burden at times. Informal dress while working is really a “gift from heaven”. Being a freelancer you have all the freedom to carry your attire as per your choice.
10. Opportunity for all: Working as a Freelancer opens up opportunities for all such as mothers, fathers, young children, people with mobility problems, and so on.
11. Vacations: When you work as a freelancer you are your own boss. You don’t have to take a permit for any kind of leaves. You can go for your vacation when and wherever you want. In fact, you can also work on your holidays and earn.
From the above-mentioned reasons and benefits, you must have got that freelancers are stable in their jobs. There are no demotions or any risk of job loss. Here you don’t have fear of losing clients because you are confident enough to get a new one with time.
Why Digital Marketing is considered best for Freelancers?
The demand for digital marketing is increasing day by day. Every company or business whether small or large wants to promote through digital platforms. Every individual is most active on the internet these days. So promoting any business or product or service online could be the best way.
Digital marketing has taken a vast place in recent years and this could be the best option for anyone’s career. Even if you are working or studying, FREELANCING IN DIGITAL MARKETING is always the option. There are people who are just freelancing in digital marketing and making a 6 figure income. The best part of working as a freelancer in digital marketing is that you can work as per your timings, your interest zone, your continence, etc.
There are different platforms in digital marketing where you can work as a Freelancer.
1. Content Marketing: Content marketing can be categorized into different parts i.e. content writing, content strategy, and distributing. With the help of content strategy, you can execute your client’s plan. Your goal is to figure out what kind of content will attract the audience and increase the rate of conversion. Then there is content writing.
Most freelancers often choose content writing and they pick contents they would write for. And at last, it’s about distribution, which entails promoting your client’s content. There are different ways you can utilize to promote the client’s content like blogging, social media channels, and more.
2. Social media marketing: This is another platform where you can work as a freelancer. Here you are posting content on Social media for your clients to promote their brand. Social Media sounds quite easy to work but there are different techniques to work on it, to reach out to maximum people, optimize your post, and also engage. also creating paid camping to get results.
3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): SEO plays a vital role in digital marketing; it deals with getting your client’s website to rank on top of Google. SEO is a vast subject in digital marketing which includes On-page optimization, Off-page Optimisation, keyword research, and more.

4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Do not get confused between SEO and SEM; SEO is used to get rank the websites on top organically and SEM is used for paid advertisements. SEM includes PPC or Google AdWords. It is again the most important part of digital marketing. This is useful mostly when any company is looking for increasing its sales and revenues in a very short period of time.
Freelancing can be done with your Full Day Job
What if you get an opportunity to earn more after your fixed salary, wouldn’t you be interested? Of course yes, right? Then it is the right time to get into Freelancing Digital Marketer, it can the best opportunity to generate your income besides your fixed salary and that too at your convenience. Hiring a freelancer has become a trend in recent days. This has created a lot of opportunities or people to earn besides their fixed salary.
There are a few steps to start your freelancing business along with your full-day job:
1. Define your goals: Starting a freelancing business along with your full-day job is not going to be easy if you are not specific, and clear about your goal. It is very necessary before you start anything you set your goals, which will be easy for you to work on.
Starting your freelancing income target can be based on your living expenses, realistic expectations, or how much you want to save.
2. Finding your Profitable Niche: Today’s world is full of competition. There are a number of freelancers working and providing the same service as yours. There will be your competitor who will be willing to charge much lower than yours. Just to get more clients it may be possible they will just lower the price. So, as a freelancer always works for value instead of price.
All you have to create your specialization and get experienced enough and gain skills so that you can charge them a premium. Once you are done with this then you are ready to start your work as a freelancer.
3. Identify your Target Audience: Once you have found your niche, you have created your own value; it will make your work really easy. Because you will be easily able to find your target audience as per your value of work. You don’t have to compromise on your charges. Your target audience would 100% value your work.
4. Learn how to Pitch Yourself: If you want to start working as a freelancer, then you must be aware of how you can pitch yourself. If you are not so good at communication your clients won’t be enough confident about your work. All you need to do is be confident in front of your clients, ready to answer whatever questions may come up to you, show them your work experience, and give a demo of your expertise.
5. Build a High-Quality Portfolio Websites: As much as your website will be attractive, you will get your clients as per that. Creating a valuable, attractive, qualitative website is really very important.
It really gives a great impact on the clients you target. Whenever you form a portfolio, always mention your relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences. Communicate well about your specialty and show some examples of your achievement. Post your old client reviews, testimonials, etc. Always keep your website updated.
6. Don’t mix your day Job priorities with Freelancing Business: This is the most important thing you need to remember while working as a freelancer along with your day job. Never forget that along with your freelancing business you are also an Employee.
There are a few DON’Ts you need to remember to balance between your day job and freelancing business:
1. Breaching any contracts or agreements you have signed with your employer.
2. Never ever do your freelancing work during your office hours. NEVER EVER
3. Never ever use your company resources, leads, any kind of tools, etc for your freelancing business.
Where you can find Freelancing Digital Marketing Jobs?
As we discussed Freelancing is not being a typical employee working from 9-to-5 at a particular place, under a particular person, same routine work, and with a fixed income. Freelancing is where you work freely, you work as per your own comfort zone, in your interest field, as per your budget, and where you can choose from any variety of clients.
Digital Marketers working as Freelancers are free to work as per their own conditions on an independent basis.
Freelancer may also find their clients on other platforms like:
1. Upwork
2. Freelancer
3. LinkedIn Jobs
4. Fiverr and many more…
To get appropriate clients as per your conditions you need to consider a few things so that your profile seems more attractive to them. Make sure you have described well about yourself on your profile, and you got a good profile picture and personalized message. This will surely boost your profile and get you more clients.
Now when you have understood the importance of working as a Freelancer, Benefits, are a way to start even with your day job. Starting your freelancing job could be the best decision you could make. This is the only Zero Rupee Investment Business, as per your comforts, where you don’t have to take a permit for your own leisure time, you can work when and where you like. You can choose your own interest zone to work and till you want. You become a self-dependent person.
So in this blog, we tried to cover as much as we can to show the bigger picture of Freelancers, but if you still have a question in your mind before starting as a freelancer, feel free to ask us via comment.
do share this blog with others who are looking to be a Freelancer and stay connected with ASDM- Digital Marketing Institute for more Digital Marketing Tips and Updates.
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